Teeth Whitening Q & A
Why are my teeth so discolored?
The number one cause of tooth discoloration is the natural aging process. As you get older, your tooth enamel breaks down, allowing the yellow dentin underneath to become increasingly visible.
You might also develop discolored teeth due to:
- Oral trauma
- Poor oral hygiene
- Taking medication with tetracycline
- Eating foods with tomatoes like curry or pasta sauce
- Using tobacco
The beverages you drink can also play a role. For example, drinks with tannins like black tea, coffee, and red wine are notorious for staining the teeth.
What is teeth whitening?
Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that eliminates stains and discoloration. There are a variety of teeth whitening treatments on the market, but all are safe and FDA-approved. The main ingredient in Philips Zoom! is hydrogen peroxide gel. Hydrogen peroxide is completely harmless, presents no side-effects, and offers stunning results.
What are the types of teeth whitening?
At Blue Palm Dentistry, Dr. Gottardi offers in-office teeth whitening with Philips Zoom!
Philips Zoom! can make your smile between four and eight* shades lighter in under an hour. Before treatment, Dr. Gottardi covers your tongue and gums with a protective rubber sheet. Then, he applies the bleaching solution to your teeth.
After the bleaching solution rests for 20 minutes or so, Dr. Gottardi points a light at your teeth. The light activates a reaction that cuts through the stains. He repeats the process multiple times until your smile is the desired shade of white.
Are the results of teeth whitening permanent?
The results of teeth whitening treatment usually last four to six months, but they can last longer. To extend your results, Dr. Gottardi recommends brushing and flossing daily and drinking dark beverages from a straw. In addition, visit Blue Palm Dentistry twice a year for professional teeth cleaning and an oral exam.
Consider receiving teeth whitening treatment on a routine basis. The more often you participate in teeth whitening the longer your results last.
Don’t wait to request your teeth whitening appointment at Blue Palm Dentistry. Call the practice to speak with a member of the support team or click the online booking tool.
*Individual results may vary.